1. Last night, they.... to my place.
A. come
B. was come
C. coming
D. comes
E. came ✓
Penjelasan: The time signal is “Last night”. Last night means a night before. Therefore the activity happened in the past. In telling activity in the past, we use past verb or verb 2. The verb “came” is correct answer because it is a past verb. Meanwhile, the verb “come”, “coming” and “comes” are not past verbs. Although the to be (non-action verb) “was” is in past form, we can not use past to be (was and were) and past verb (came) in one clause next to each other in simple past sentence.
2. My uncle .... Rambutan, bananas, vegetables and more when he came from the village yesterday.
A. brought ✓
B. was bought
C. was bring
D. was
E. bringed
Penjelasan: Look at the time signal. Decide if the activity is in the past, the future or the present. Decide whether the sentence shows a condition or an activity. The time signal is “yesterday”. yesterday means one day before. Therefore the activity happened in the past. In telling activity in the past, we use past verb or verb 2. The verb “brought” is correct answer because it is a past verb. The verb “bringed” is not even incorrect verb. Although the to be (non-action verb) “was” is in past form, the sentence does not tell a condition, it tells an activity. The option “was bought” is incorrect because we can not use past to be (was and were) and past verb (came) in one clause next to each other in simple past sentence.
3. Apply the aims of a diary, and choose which one of these notes best represents the characteristics of a diary.
A. My Diary I was born in 1988. I lived in Jakarta from 2000 to 2004. I moved to Bandung in 2004. It was fun living in Jakarta. However, Jakarta has a lot of traffic now. I don’t wanna go back to Jakarta.
B. Erin’s Diary, June 24 I met a new friend. She helped me doing the homework yesterday. I also met him again this morning. She smiled at me when i was in the classroom. She was very kind to me. ✓
C. I met a new friend. She helped me doing the homework yesterday. I also met him again this morning. She smiled at me when i was in the classroom. She was very kind to me.
D. Event report. The leader of the committee decided to reopen the carnival last February. So many people participated in the carnival. They had five awards. They gave the awards for the best costume, the most authentic costume, the most creative costume, the cheapest costumes, and the most environmental-friendly costume.
E. My Resolution, December 27 Next year, i will try to ti better in my exams. I will try to be more dilligent. I will be a better student. I will fininsh my projects better than before. I want to pass the national exam so bad.
Penjelasan: Scan for the attribute or characteristics of a diary. Decide whether the option is personal or not. Is the option happened on the day or in years ago? A diary commonly contains the date of the day. It contains experiences in the past. Because it is daily, a diary contains the day’s experience. Therefore the correct answer is “Erin’s Diary” because it has an information about date and the experienced which happened on the day. An option with the same content but without a date is not correct answer. The option about “My resolution” is not a diary because it contains target in the future. An option about “Event report” is not a diary because it is not personal experience. The option about “My Diary” is not a diary despite of its tittle. It does not tell about the day’s experiance. It is mostly about events that happened years ago.
4. State the characteristics of a diary.
A. - It contains the date of the day - It tells about the day’s experience - It does not contain personal experience
B. - It does not contain the date of the day - It tells about the day’s experience - It is mostly personal experience
C. - It contains the date of the day - It tells about the day’s experience - It is about important experience
D. - It contains the date of the day - It tells about past experience years ago - It is mostly personal experience
E. - It contains the date of the day - It tells about the day’s experience - It is mostly personal experience ✓
Penjelasan: scan for the attribute or characteristics of a diary. Decide whether the option is personal or not. Is the option happened on the day or in years ago? A diary contains the date of the day to show when did the experience happened. a diary contains the day’s experience, because it is usually written daily. A diary also contains personal experience. It does not have to be important. Sometimes the events in a diary is not really important.
5. Apply the characteristics of a diary. If the writer wants to share his/her information in the dairy, a person who has the highest possibility to read a diary is ....
A. The writer’s parents ✓
B. The writer’s teacher
C. The writer’s school’s principal
D. The writer’s friend
E. The writer’s neighbor
Penjelasan: Review the characteristics of a diary. Range the option from the closest relative to the farthest. Consider the connection or relation between the writer and the people in every option. Events or experience in a diary is personal. It is sometimes secret that is known only by the writer. However, it is not a problem if the writer wants the other people to know his/her experience. The writer usually shares the experience to the closest relatives, such as siblings or parents. The closest relative among the options is the writer’s parents. Meanwhile, the teacher, friend, school principal, and neighbor are not close enough to share the experience with.
keterangan: soal nomer 5 dan 6 di quipper adalah soal yang sama dan jawabannya adalah The writer’s parents. Di soal ke enam ini saya membuatkan soal yang berbeda sehingga tidak usah disamakan jawabannya karena khusus nomer 6 soalnya berbeda.
6. Apply diary characteristics. If the author wants to share his information in the dairy sector, the person who cannot possibly read a diary is....
A. Author's parents
B. Teacher writer
C. School’s principal writer ✓
D. Writer's friend
E. Author's neighbor
Penjelasan: See the characteristics of the diary. order closest relatives to furthest. Consider the connections or relationships between the author and the people in each selection. The principal is a person who is very far from the author because they have no family relationship and they most likely rarely communicate so the answer is the principal.
7. Write a diary event by using the verbs “take”, “see”, and “is”.
A. I can not take my car to school tommorow because i don’t have a driver’s liscense. I feel really jealous if i see my seniors bringing cars to school. my school is not far from my house, but i want to take my car there so badly.
B. Tommorow, i will take my friend to my villa in Lembang. There, we will see a beautiful scenery of tea trees. My villa is in the north Lembang.
C. Everyday, i take a bus to school. I always see the veiw through the windows. The view is very nice.
D. This morning, i took a bus to school. I saw my friend and i was surprised. He wore a jacket. The jacket was like my jacket. It was embarassing wearing the same jacket to school. ✓
E. I am taking my car to school. Right now I am seeing a beautiful scenery. I am so happy right now.
Penjelasan: Pay attention to the use of verb. The correct answer is the paragraph that uses the past form. The past form of “take” is “took”. The past form of “see” is “saw”. The past form of “is” is “was / were”. The other option that uses “verb-ing” cannot be categorized as a diary, because it tells something that the writer is doing. The option contains “will” is a future plan, not a diary. The option contains “do/don’t” or the verb that is in present form, express habitual activity.
8. Complete the following diary using the correct verb and time signal.
Nana’s Diary – December 20A. Was – have – falls – later
Today ________ very tiring. I ______ to do a lot of tasks from my teacher. I almost ______ asleep during lesson. I just got back to my school _____
B. Is – have – fall – now
C. Was – had – fall – now
D. Was – had – fell – tomorrow
E. Was – had – fell – an hour ago ✓
Penjelasan: Look at the last sentence. Decide what type of verb it uses. The correct answer is the option that uses was, had and fell for the verb, because a diary usually uses past verb. For the time signal, the correct one is “an hour ago”, which means an hour before the writer writes the diary. The time signal “later”, and “tomorrow” are for future activity. Meanwhile the time signal “now” is for something that the writer is doing at the moment.
9. Before a hotel, this place ...... a hospital two years ago.
A. Be
B. Were
C. Are
D. Was ✓
E. is
Penjelasan: Look at the time signal. Decide what type of verb it uses. The correct answer is the option that uses was because past tense uses past to be “was” or “were”. The option “is”, “are”, and “be” is incorrect because they are not past to be. The option “were” is also incorrect because “were” is for plural subject, and “this hotel” is singular.
10. In 1980, the company ......... to regain its popularity by launching a unique product.
A. Was tried
B. Tried ✓
C. Tries
D. Try
E. Was try
Penjelasan: See at the time signal. Decide what type of verb it uses. The time signal is “in 1980”. This means the past years. Therefore the activity happened in the past. In telling activity in the past, we use past verb or verb 2. The verb “tried” is correct answer because it is a past verb. Although the to be (non-action verb) “was” is in past form, the sentence does not tell a condition, it tells an activity. The option “was tried” is incorrect because we can not use past to be (was) and past verb (try) in one clause next to each other in simple past sentence.
Materi Telling Past Events Using Simple Past Tense
To start with, look at a page of a diary below!
The diary shows several actions done in the past (Mom gave a toy car and sister bought cake). The diary also shows a condition or emotion in the past (I was very happy and it was very delicious).
A diary is a record or writings of activities that happens in the past. Because people commonly write diary daily, a diary usually contains the day’s activity and the date of the day. Therefore, a diary aims at keeping the record of personal experiences that happened on the day. Diary is also known as journal. We usually tell past stories on our diaries. We can see whether the story is in past tense or not from the time of action (this morning, years ago, and last holiday). To tell about past activity or event, we can use Simple Past Tense
Simple Past Tense
Simple past tense is used to tell about event, activity, action or condition that happened previously or before the sentence is said. There are two grammatical hints for simple past tense: the use of past verb and the time signal.
A. The use of past verb
The use of past verb In simple past tense, the verb used is past verb (in some references is also known as ‘Verb II’). The table below shows examples of past verb.

There are two types of past verb that can be used in simple past tense: action verb and non-action verb.

There are two types of past verb that can be used in simple past tense: action verb and non-action verb.
Past sentence using action verb
A sentence which uses an action verb shows an activity or an action whenever read or listened.For example: “I saw the movie yesterday”
The verb ‘saw’ shows an action or a mental image of someone watched a movie (maybe in the cinema or at home)
Past sentence using non-action verb
A sentence with non-action verb does not show an action; instead it shows a condition or situation. In this kind of sentence, the verb used is usually a “be” verb, which the past form are was or were.
For example: “They were happy last night “ The “be” verb ‘were’ is used to show a condition of being happy or glad that happened in the past (last night). For singular subject, such as I, it, he, she, or name of something/someone, we use was. For plural “they, we” and “you”, we use were.
To help understanding the concept, pay attention to the example below!

B. Time Signal
Time signal is a word or a phrase that shows when the action/event happens. Although the use of time signal is not obligatory (meaning that a past sentence can have no time signal), it can sometimes show that a sentence is in past tense. Common time signals used in past sentence are last, ago, in (year), etc.To help understanding the concept, pay attention to the example below!