Pandemic?. 5 Online Health Consultation Applications
What are the health consultation applications?
1. Halodoc
2. Alodokter
3. Klikdoctor
4. Good Doctor
5. SehatQ
Check out the information below
1. Halodoc
Halodoc is an application and website from Indonesia that is engaged in the health sector under the auspices of PT Media Dokter Investama. The application company that was founded in 2016 has collaborated with Gojek, to expand access to online-based health services. Halodoc provides many online health facilities ranging from Chat with Doctors, Health Shops, Find Doctors according to location, make hospital appointments, insurance claims, to Covid-19 tests. Delivery and purchase of drugs can also be done with Gojek drivers. Through the Halodoc application, several payment methods that can be done are TopUp via a virtual account from Bank Mandiri or from Bank BCA. There are also payments using credit cards and also through digital wallets Gopay.
2. Alodokter
Then, there is also the Alodokter health consultation application that provides features in the form of chat with doctors, ranging from general practitioners, obstetricians, children, internal medicine, psychiatrists, ENT, nerves, eyes, teeth, lungs, to plastic surgery. Alodokter also provides medical appointments for direct consultations and swab tests for COVID-19 based on your closest location. Alodokter also provides various types of protection for your health. In addition, to facilitate the purchase and delivery of medicines, Alodokter also cooperates with the logistics service, Anteraja. For payment methods, Alodokter provides a payment method via Gopay digital wallet, or transfer via virtual account from Bank Permata, BCA, Mandiri, or BNI
3. KlikDokter
KlikDokter is a telemedicine service that was established in 2008. The KlikDokter service features online doctor consultation, making appointments, shopping for health products, and information related to Covid-19. Through the KlikDokter application, your system for purchasing and delivering medicines, multivitamins, and medical devices will be assisted by Gojek (Instant and Same Day), there are also through Grab (Instant and Same Day), JNE and Sicepat. The KlikDokter application provides payment services using digital wallets such as DANA, OVO and Gopay. There are also payment services through virtual accounts from Mandiri, Permata, BRI and BNI banks.
4. Good Doctor
Then, there is also the Good Doctor application, which is an online health consultation provider application. As a telemedicine service provider, Good Doctor can now be accessed through the Good Doctor application, as well as through the Grab Health application. The features provided are also not much different from other telemedicine service providers. Good Doctor provides facilities in the form of consultations with general practitioners or specialists, Covid-19 Care Center, drug and multivitamin needs, insurance claims, and medical appointments. Payment methods using the Good Doctor application or through Grab Health, can be done using the OVO digital wallet. It can also be through a credit card or virtual account from Bank BCA, Mandiri, BRI, BNI, Permata, Maybank, as well as through ATM Bersama.
5. SehatQ
The last application is SehatQ, SehatQ is a digital health service provider startup, which was established in November 2018. In this application, there are several health consultation features that you can enjoy such as chat with general practitioners and specialists, purchasing drugs, vitamins , and health products, medical appointments at hospitals, to information on the Covid-19 antigen swab test service. SehatQ also cooperates with various health facilities such as Labklinik, Eka Hospital, Prodia, Ciputra Hospital, Mayapada Hospital and others. Through this application, you can order health products through Gojek, Anteraja, SiCepat, and J^~^T Regular.