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Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 2

25 Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 Semester 2 beserta jawabannya kurikulum 2013

Soal dan Jawaban Penilaian Harian Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 Semester 2

Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 Semester 2, Questions and Answers for the Daily Assessment of English for grade 9 Semester 2
1. What should we do after heating the frying pan?

A. Turn over the egg crust.
B. Add the glutinous rice.
C. Add the mixed seasoning.
D. Spread the dried serundeng.

Jawaban: B. Add the glutinous rice.

Soal ulangan harian bahasa Inggris kelas 9 dan kunci jawabannya
2. Which expression shows that family are proud to Nindy?

A. We are really proud of you.
B. Keep fighting to be number one.
C. With love, Mom, Dad & your Bro.
D. Being the best performance in Silat.

Jawaban: A. We are really proud of you.

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3. What does the text mean?

A. The car windows should always be open.
B. The zoo officers must close the car windows.
C. We should let the animals walk away the road.
D. We must close the windows when passing that area.

Jawaban: D. We must close the windows when passing that area.

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4. The cycle of butterfly is started from …

A. an egg.
B. a chrysalis.
C. a caterpillar.
D. a tube-shaped body.

Jawaban: A. an egg

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5. Why does Vanisa send the card ?

A. To tell Bagas that she has just moved to her new house.
B. To show Bagas that she is proud of her new house.
C. To inform Bagas that she has a new house, too.
D. To wish Bagas’ happiness in his new house.

Jawaban: D. To wish Bagas’ happiness in his new house.

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6. The synonym of the words “coast” is ...

A. Shore
B. River
C. Mountain
D. Lake

Jawaban: A. Shore

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7. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A. The product makes the skin soft and clean.
B. We should use the product for five minutes.
C. We can use the product during a warm shower or bath.
D. The text is found on a 300 ml SHINE Shower Gel bottle.

Jawaban: A. The product makes the skin soft and clean.

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8. How does the medicine work?

A. It will cure the sickness immediately.
B. It will attack the virus until the person heals completely.
C. It helps treat the symptoms until it subside.
D. It protects the wounded area

Jawaban: C. It helps treat the symptoms until it subside

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9. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A. The writer and Jo Keating visited some schools in Maumere.
B. After visiting Maumere, the writer went to Ende.
C. The writer and Ginny Edwards went to the Mount Kelimutu.
D. Bajawa is the writer’s third destination.

Jawaban: C. The writer and Ginny Edwards went to the Mount Kelimutu.

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10. Why does Junianta send the message ?

A. To ask Chairul to come to Ivan’s surprise party.
B. To inform Chairul about Ivan’s surprise party.
C. To invite chairul to attend the meeting.
D. To let Chairul know about the meeting.

Jawaban: C. To invite chairul to attend the meeting

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11. How long should we soak the glutinous rice in water, to make it soft?

A. One day.
B. Two days.
C. Three days.
D. Four days.

Jawaban; A. One day

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12. The writer last’s destination is ... 

A. Bajawa
B. Detusuko
C. Maumere
D. Mount kelimutu

Jawaban: A. Bajawa

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13. What can we conclude from the text?

A. Pregnant or breast feeding woman may use the medicine immediately.
B. People with high sugar level are safe to use the medicine.
C. The medicine can be mixedcwith drugs for headache.
D. The medicine only consists of natural material.

Jawaban: B. People with high sugar level are safe to use the medicine.

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14. What do butterflies eat?

A. Flowers.
B. Leaves.
C. Nectar.
D. Bud.

Jawaban: C. Nectar

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15. Where did the story happen?

A. At the zoo
B. In the forest
C. In the jungle
D. On the river

Jawaban: D. On the river

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16. Why does Junianta want Chairul to keep the meeting from Ivan ?

A. He doesn’t like Ivan.
B. He wants Ivan know about it.
C. He wants to make an important meeting.
D. He doesn’t want Ivan know about the party.

Jawaban: D. He doesn’t want Ivan know about the party.

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17. What does the text tell us about?
A. The life of butterflies.
B. The story of butterflies.
C. The change of butterflies.
D. The hatch of eggs to butterflies.

Jawaban: D. The hatch of eggs to butterflies.

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18 “A body wash rich in lather .....”
The word “lather” means .....

A. a white mass of soapy bubbles.
B. a warm shower or bath.
C. a delicate fragrance.
D. liquid soap.

Jawaban: A. a white mass of soapy bubbles.

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19. “Cover and cook on a low heat until sightly dry.” (step 3)
What is the synonym of ‘sightly’?

A. Quite.
B. Really.
C. Entirely.
D. Mostly. 

Jawaban: A. Quite

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20. The text is written to ... 

A. encourage a friend
B. advertise silat
C. praise someone
D. tell about a performance

Jawaban: C. praise someone

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21. On the first day, the writer went to ... 

A. Ende
B. Maumere
C. The mountain village
D. Mount kelimutu

Jawaban: B. Maumere

Kerak Telor  What you need:  100 g white glutinous rice, was until clean, soak it in water for 24 hours to make it soft.  1 tbsp wet serundeng.  1 tsp dried shrimp powder.  • 1 duck egg.  ½ tsp salt and spices, miced together.  . ½ tsp pepper powder.  Dried serundeng  Fried onions.  How to make:  Heat a frying pan. Add 2 tablespoons of white glutinous rice that has been soaked in water and flattened out. Cook for about 1-2 minutes.  Add 1 tablespoon of wet serundeng and 1 teaspoon of dried shrimp powder. Add 1 duck egg onto the glutinous rice and the mixed seasoning (1/2 teaspoon of pepper powder). Flatten and stir well. Cover and cook on a low heat until slightly dry.  After a couple of minutes, turn over the egg crust and transfer from the plan to a plate. Spread the dried serundeng and fried onions on top as a finishing touch. Kerak telor is ready to serve.
22. From the text we know that Bagas’ new house is . . . 

A. luxurious
B. painted green
C. located in the country
D. far from Vanisa’s house

Jawaban: C. located in the country

WARNING!  Don't let the car windows open along this way BEWARE OF WILD ANIMALS!  Zoo Officer
23. How long should we massage the gel onto our skin?

A. Less than 2 minutes.
B. Around 2-3 minutes.
C. More than 3 minutes.
D. Thirty minutes.

Jawaban: B. Around 2-3 minutes

I went to forest last month. I went there to visit Australian volunteer English teachers in Maumere, Ende and Bajawa. As a result, I also enjoyed the beauty of the island.  I started my first day in Maumere with Jo Keating. After visiting several schools in the city, we took an amazing journey over the mountains to the south coast. We visited a new junior high school there. Then, I travelled to Ende to meet Sharoon Kidman. Ende has a great market with a lovely section of traditional woven ikat cloth and great seafood. My next trip was to Detusuko. It is a mountain village. I went there with Ginny Edwards. Detsuko is not  far from Mount Kelimutu. We woke up at 4 a.m to see the three different colored lakes at dawn. It was truly  inspiring
24. Which of the following facts didn’t make the wolf angry with the lamb?

A. The lamb muddied the water.
B. The wolf wanted to eat the lamb.
C. The lamb drank at the same stream.
D. The lamb protested him.

Jawaban: B. The wolf wanted to eat the lamb

Far from the hustle bustle of the city, hope it always makes you happy. Fresh air and  stunning green view, they are all created for you. Congratulations on your new home.  May you always find peace, health, and happiness here.  Lots of love,  Vanisa
25. We can learn from the story that … 

A. Never drink the river water
B. Never clean our body on the stream
C. The bad will always beat the good
D. The strong will always rule the weak

Jawaban: D. The strong will always rule the weak

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